Older Adults are at High Risk of Slip & Fall Injuries in PA

December 18, 2017 / 7:00 pm

Falls are the leading cause of injury for older Americans. It’s something easy to be aware of as an injury lawyer in Bucks County.

And unfortunately, those injuries can often be quite serious, according to the National Floor Safety Institute:

  • Falls cause 87 percent of bone fractures in people 65 and older.
  • A fall that results in a head injury can lead to a traumatic brain injury, which causes seizures, mood changes and cognitive problems.
  • Falls are the second most common cause of spinal cord injuries for older adults, and cause a significant number of knee, hip, neck and back injuries.
  • And finally, falls are the leading cause of death for adults over 65.

Yet that doesn’t mean that every senior citizen is doomed to experience a dangerous fall. There are ways you can prevent these injuries at home. For example:

  • Clear your home of clutter, especially around staircases and in hallways.
  • Wear shoes at home, or at least put on some non-slip socks that have grips on their soles, and avoid baggy clothing, which can bunch up and lead to falls.
  • Install non-slip mats in showers and bathtubs, and grab bars in the tub and next to the toilet.
  • Remove trip hazards on the floor such as loose rugs or carpeting and uneven floorboards.
  • Make sure your stairways and any narrow hallways are lit with bright lightbulbs, and consider adding a nightlight to your bedroom and bathroom.
  • Avoid taking the stairs when you can. If you need to move from floor to floor, consider having a stair lift installed.

But while there are steps you can take to protect yourself at home, falls can happen anywhere.

  • They’re the leading cause of injuries at hotels, mostly when people are crossing flat surfaces
  • The average restaurant deals with at least three slip-and-fall cases a year.
  • Grocery stores spend more than $450 million each year defending slip-and-fall litigation. These accidents are the chief cause of injuries for workers and customers alike.
  • According to the National Floor Safety Institute, a quarter of the costs connected to work injuries are because of falls on the job.

The older you get the more difficult it is to recover after sustaining injuries from a fall. If you suffer a fall, it’s crucial that you get medical attention right away. Your doctor will be able to determine the extent of your injuries and proper treatment.

And if you are injured in this sort of situation, you may be able to take the person responsible for the property to court.

In making a slip-and-fall case, you need to be able to show two things:

  1. The owner – or renter who had responsibility for maintaining the property – failed to make their business/property safe.
  2. You were harmed because of this negligence.

Be sure to consult with a personal injury lawyer in Bucks County to get experienced, comprehensive legal representation so that you can see the compensation you deserve to pay for treatment you need.

For more than 65 years, the attorneys at Penglase and Benson have helped their clients receive the compensation they deserve in these sorts of cases. If you need a personal injury lawyer in Bucks County, do not hesitate to contact us. We’re ready to fight for you to make sure you.